Congratulations Jameson and Jackson on your new paper published in Nucleic Acids Research!
Congratulations Jameson and Jackson on your new paper published in Nucleic Acids Research!
In May 2023, Jackson Lin (Pre-Pharm) joined Jung Lab. Welcome aboard Jackson!
Jameson’s new paper titled “Mutagenic Incorporation of Inosine into DNA via T:I mismatch Formation by Human DNA
Polymerase Eta (polη).” has been accepted for publication in Biochemical Journal on 4/26! Congratulations Jameson!
In April 2023, Caleigh Manguilli (Undergraduate student) joined Jung Lab.
Welcome Caleigh!
In January 2023, Amy Nguyen (Pharm. D. student) and Mia Migliorino (Undergraduate student) joined Jung Lab!
Welcome aboard!
Dr. Jung’s new paper titled “Contributing Factors for Mutagenic DNA Lesion Bypass by DNA Polymerase Eta (polη)” has been accepted for publication in DNA! Congratulations Dr. Jung!
We are looking for a postdoctoral research associate and graduate/undergraduate students right now.
Please contact Dr. Jung ( for details.
For postdoc candidates, please send your most recent CV and list of 3 references to Dr. Jung!
Dr. Jung’s new paper titled “Effects of N7-Alkylguanine conformation and Metal cofactors on the Transletion Synthesis by Human DNA Polymerase η” has been published on Chemical Research in Toxicology! Congratulations Dr. Jung!
Hunmin Jung, Ph.D., has joined the School of Pharmacy as a tenure-track Assistant Professor of Medicinal Chemistry in the Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Continue reading